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Showing posts from May, 2012

The Challenges of Using Social Media in Teaching

Last week, I was invited to speak in a panel discussion session about using social media in teaching for the Summer Institute for Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning (SITETL) at SU. I was asked: what challenges do I face when using social media in teaching? I think that is a great question. Since 2009, I have developed and taught four different courses at SU. One is on social media and the other three are hospitality management courses. Students use many more social media tools in my social media class than in others. Also, depending on the subject matter, my expectations on how students use social media tools in class are different, but in general, I think there are two big challenges.   First and for most, professors can no longer stop acquiring new knowledge if they begin using social media in teaching (nobody should stop learning anyway, right?). I believe that in the age of information explosion, new technology and school of thoughts can emerge every day . Profes

Park Slope Moms to Fight Hooters

I often use Hooters as a case study in my Human Resource Management class for its controversial practice of hiring strictly good looking waitresses. I, however, have never expected that there are people who would dislike Hooters so much that they want to fight Hooters for opening a business in their neighborhood. Hooters’ concept relies on “natural female sex appeal.” The first Hooters restaurant was opened in Florida in 1983. By 1993, Hooters had become a popular national restaurant chain, with 100 locations and 200 million in revenue. Hooters restaurants refuse hiring male servers and expect that Hooters’ Girls “should project a positive attitude with a bubbling personality and the prettiest smile in the world.” Between 1991 and 1994, EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) launched an investigation into alleged discrimination because of Hooters’ hiring practices. In 1994, EEOC reached a conclusion that “no physical trait unique to women is required to service food

Mobile Etiquette

The 2012 Intel Mobile Etiquette Survey is out. It seems that people are doing worse over time, however. According to this Wall Street Journal video , 81% of adults think manners are bad, comparing to 75% of last year. Here are some bad examples on the top pet peeves list:   77% - texting or typing while driving 64% - talking too loud in public 55% - having the volume too loud in public 59% - sharing too much negative information 55% - sharing inappropriate or explicit photos 53% - sharing the information that is deemed to be private Texting while driving is prohibited by law in most places. Recently, there are also communities that began issuing fines to those who are texting while walking . It is possible that more communities will ban texting for pedestrians soon. This survey also reminds companies and people not to share too much personal or negative updates in social media. Too much “irrelevant” information will irritate the audience and friends. When somebody “u

Home Sweet Hotel: Today’s Traveler Expects a Better Connected Experience (by Chris Ruff)

It was 1992 - just 20 years ago. A business traveler was attending a conference and called the hotel to make a reservation. They talked to a staff member to book a room. Upon arrival, they checked in and registered at the front desk. They opened the hotel room door with a metal key. To check in with their office, they picked up the hotel phone, dialed a seemingly endless string of numbers on the back of a plastic card, and called their assistant to see if any issues had come up since they left the office the night before.    Let’s jump ahead to 2012. The same business traveler needs to go to a seminar, so they pull out their mobile phone and book a room on-line. They enter the room with a keyless room card. As the hotel room door opens, so do the curtains. Their favorite music plays from the smart TV and the lights automatically turn on. The guest checks in with the office by turning on a laptop, tablet, iPod and mobile phone. All are quickly put to use.   Years ago travel, even bu