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Showing posts from January, 2015

Are Academic Researchers Trapping Themselves in Producing Scientific Research?

Earlier this month, I attended the 20th A nnual Graduate Education & Graduate Student Research Conference in Hospitality and Tourism (also known as Graduate Conference ).  It was a very successful conference, featuring 145 stand-up presentations and 186 poster presentations over a three-day period.  Yet, it was just like one of the many academic conference I have been to, I feel this is something missing.  I ask myself:  Poster Presentation at the 20th Graduate Conference A re academic researchers trapping themselves in producing "scientific" research? Have our industry partners provided adequate support to academic programs in research and product development? Why hotels do not use academic research in product development? (As what is suggested by this CNBC report about Marriott). Where is the place for interdisciplinary research in hospitality and tourism (e.g., working with other scholars in architecture, interior design, fine arts and civil engineering)?