Do you know many websites are built on a WordPress (blog) theme? Oh yes. People are very likely reading blogs when they browse contents on the internet, and blogging can be very effective in marketing communications and making sales. Yet, how does blogging different from Facebook or Twitter updates? What can we expected from a good blog post? Blog is definitely different from Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites. Blogging is more than just an update. There is no set limit on how many characters a blog post can have, allowing people to publish longer and more in-depth discussion. Plus, bloggers can embed other social media contents in a post (e.g., pictures and videos). I started blogging about four years ago. When I first started, I did more “sharing” than “creating.” I shared the news articles that I found interesting and relevant to my target audience. My blog posts read more like summaries of relevant news articles with very little in-depth discussion.
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