Julie Jargon at The Wall Street Journal reported that restaurants are facing two threats --- “sharply rising food prices and looming changes in the healthy-care law that will mandate expanded employee coverage.” Restaurants are already in the business of low profit margins. If food costs and labor costs go up, profits will definitely suffer. To help restaurant owners cut operation costs, Julie Jargon listed some good examples in the case of Chili’s Restaurants. Tactics Used in the Kitchen Replace the skillet and the smoker with a new combination oven, which can smoke ribs and cook bacon three times faster. Introduce the conveyor-belt-like oven that was used in fast-food restaurants in the kitchen. Cooks no longer need to turn over burgers or quesadillas to cook both sides. Prep cooks wash and chop vegetables in the morning while line cooks only need to focus on cooking. HR Tactics Used in the Front of the House Eliminate bussers so that the restaurants do not need to
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