In today’s age, a guest shares an average of 22 photos per wedding on social media sites (The Today Show - NBC News Network). The truth is no matter if we like it or not, social media has forever changed the way people do weddings, but does everyone know the wedding etiquette in the age of social media? Based on what is discussed in the NBC News video , I recommend the following: For the Bride and Groom Make up your mind if you prefer to either keep your wedding private or make it a “public” event on the internet. If you want to keep yours a private and exclusive event, make it clear that you do not want anyone to post anything on the internet. If you do not mind making yours a “public” event, you may do yourself a favor by creating a hashtag for your wedding and encourage your guests to post updates using the hashtag. Unless you have told your guests not to share any updates about your wedding, chances are you will find updates and pictures about your wedding everywhere
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